My 4 year old absolutely LOVES Start The Art. Up until Start The Art, she had no interest whatsoever in arts or crafts, but now it’s our only weekly activity that she asks about daily. Every morning she asks, “Is it Start The Art Day yet?!.
— S.S.
Super fun art studio for little ones. My 4.5 year old boy is more like a run and play kind and not very much inclined to just sit and do art stuff but he always has fun and every art station always keeps him engaged.
— A.M.
My 5 year old daughter, who was a bit of a reluctant artist, has really come out of her shell and just loves creating beautiful projects at Start the Art! The projects are well designed so kids are free to either follow the provided example, or branch out on their own with their own creative ideas.
— K.M.
It is so nice to go somewhere and have so many artistic activities set up that can occupy both my 4 and 1 year old. I couldn’t provide such a thing at home and both my kids love it!
— L.W.
Well organized and fun environment to let my little one (2 years old) unleash her artistic side. Always fun to see what she will create next!
— K.S.
My daughter (3yo) and I look forward to going to Start the Art each week! She LOVES it and I love being able to see other mom friends and meeting new ones.
I am a pediatric OT and this class is THE BEST for promoting sensory experiences in a developmentally age appropriate way! There is literally an art activity for everyone and I am always impressed with the variety and how open ended and creative they can get!
— S.H.